Sunday, June 14, 2009

The LMA Story

The original Laredo Manufacturers Association became the Logistics and Manufacturing Association in 2007. So the organization remained, after 25 years, as the "LMA". Following is the history of this unique organization (feel free to skim):

History of the Laredo Manufacturers Association

The history of the LMA reflects the growth of manufacturing and logistics in south Texas and northern Mexico during the past three decades. This economic expansion, on both sides of the Rio Grande, has brought not only monetary rewards, but also an infusion of new ideas and added vitality to the Laredo community. The LMA merged with the Laredo Transportation Association in 2007, and has become the Logistics and Manufacturing Association (LMA) of Port Laredo.

Since it’s founding in 1984, the LMA has grown from the original 17 members, to over a hundred persons representing a cross section of industry, transportation, academic, and support services. Starting with an initial scholarship fund of $1000. in 1988, the LMA has encouraged engineering and technical careers with over $200,000. in scholarships, as well as establishing a $100,000 endowment scholarship fund at Texas A&M International University. The LMA has also given significant support to high school math and pre-engineering programs, and has financially supported the “YES” camp at TAMIU which provides enterprise training for high school juniors. The LMA, in 1986, was also the first sponsor of Jr. Achievement in Laredo.

In 1990, a committee structure was formed to address customs, environmental, maquiladora, transportation, and other areas of concern to members. The LMA’s maquiladora committee has worked closely with manufacturers in Nuevo Laredo to promote industrial growth and success. In 1994, the first LMA Symposium was launched to bring to Laredo international experts to discuss environmental, manufacturing, logistics, government regulations, and economic development topics. The Symposium rapidly expanded to include the Laredo Development Foundation, TAMIU, and others in sponsoring these 2 to 3 days events, which have attracted participants from many U.S. states and Mexico.

Through the years, the LMA has worked with federal, state, county, city, and Mexican government officials to promote infrastructure projects such as the four-lane expansion of the Mines Road to the Columbia Bridge, the Loop 20 project, and the establishment of a 24/7 international bridge schedule in 2009.

The idea of creating an organization focused on manufacturing was first made by
Laredo Mayor Aldo Tatangelo at a meeting with eight local businessmen on March
16, 1984. Tatangelo felt it was critical to form a local association that
manufacturers, looking to locate in the Laredo area, could identify with. The
Mayor also wanted the proposed organization to work on improving vocational and
technical education in Laredo. The organizing meeting was sponsored jointly by
the Laredo Chamber of Commerce and the Laredo Development Foundation. To form
such a manufacturers association, David C. Leyendecker, representing the
chamber, and Edward C. Sherwood, representing the LDF, were assigned to make the
mayor's concept a reality.

Leyendecker and Sherwood made plans for an initial meeting of the Laredo
Manufacturers Association to be held on May 8, 1984. Both men kept busy calling
prospective members. There were only 26 companies with manufacturing operations
at the time in either Laredo or Nuevo Laredo.
Typically, in Laredo, meetings were held at lunch time to accommodate the
preferences of the banking and retail communities. Since manufacturers normally
start work early, and rarely care to take extended lunch hours, Leyendecker and
Sherwood planned for LMA meetings to be held early, 7:30 a.m., and were planned
to last for only one hour--a tradition of the LMA that continues today.
Jim Parish of the Laredo Morning Times and Richard Deibel of the Laredo News
were instrumental in getting the organization off the ground through their
writing and coverage of early LMA meetings. On May 6, two days before the first
meeting, Jim Parish ran a story in the Times which lead off with: "If you are an
executive of a Laredo or Nuevo Laredo Manufacturing firm your presence is
desired at a Tuesday breakfast meeting at which the organizing of the Laredo
Manufacturers Association will move forward."
Sherwood was quoted in the same article as saying: "Laredo Manufacturers
Association is being formed to promote the growth of the manufacturing
community, to provide advice and guidance to educational, governmental and
community leaders on matters affecting manufacturers, and to communicate
information and ideas of mutual interest."

The first meeting was held at the Hamilton Hotel, May 8, 1984, at 7:30 a.m..
Seventeen persons attended with nine manufacturing executives present. The 17
were Larry Norton, Eliseo Olivares, Mario Herrera, Jorge de la Garza, Aldo
Tatangelo, Richard Deibel, Enrique de la Garza, Eugene Fernandez, Jim Parish,
Humberto Vela, Edward Norena, Frank Leach, Dave Leyendecker, Jim Fowler, Jerry
Brochin, Leon Ramirez Sr., and Ed Sherwood (the order was taken from the sign-in
sheet). The speakers at that first meeting were Cynthia Mares Jackson, and Diana
McDonald, both from Laredo Junior College (now Laredo Community College). They
outlined the courses LJC could provide to industry to meet their employee
training needs. The breakfast served was donated by the Hamilton Hotel.
It was planned that the LMA would meet approximately monthly, and hopefully the
association would grow. When the next meeting, held on July 10, 1984, only
attracted 16, Sherwood became concerned and raised three of his friends from
their early morning sleep to attend the meeting held on September 25, 1984 (the
three friends were, unfortunately, unemployed at the time due to the abrupt
closing of Meridian Industries of Laredo). Attendance slowly climbed that first
year, and by July 1985, six meetings of the LMA had been held with an average
attendance of 20 persons. Meetings were held at the Hamilton, the Hilton, and
at the Holiday Inn; numerous organizations helped with the LMA's expenses
including the Tex-Mex Railroad, the Union National Bank, The Hilton Hotel, SMT
Lines, International Bank of Commerce, and the Laredo National Bank.

The growing LMA organization caught the eye of the Texas Association of Business
in 1985, and L.W. Gray, then president of TAB, spoke to the LMA on April 30,
1985. He encouraged the merger of the LMA into the TAB organization. The
membership of the LMA debated the pros and cons of the merger, but decided to
keep its independent status. The primary reasons were to retain a focus on
manufacturing, and its unique international membership policy.

Ed Sherwood had been presiding at LMA meetings during its initial year, and as
the LMA grew, it was decided by the July 12, 1985 meeting to elect its first
official officers. Elected were Jerry Brochin from Sony as the LMA's first
president, Ron Marianetti from Delredo as vice president, and Fernando Reyes,
Reyes Industries , as secretary-treasurer. Under the leadership of Jerry Brochin, the LMA active membership grew from approximately 25 to 40. Brochin also helped to direct the formal organization of the LMA-dues were established, goals of the LMA were clarified, and greater input to the Laredo community, especially on educational issues, was achieved. Jerry Brochin also designed the organization's original logo. The LMA expanded its activities to include, for example, a tour for manufacturers of the Air Logistics Center at the Kelly Air Force Base in San Antonio in September, 1985.

In November, 1987, Mark Pease, from R. G. Barry, was elected president for the
1988 calendar year. Also elected were Edward Leyendecker Jr., from CMI, as
treasurer, and Ronald La Duque, from Rapidprint, as secretary. The LMA under
Mark Pease grew to approximately 70 members, and also initiated the sponsorship
of management courses taught by the University of Texas, as well as time
management courses taught by Mark, himself.

Ed Sherwood was elected as LMA's third president in December, 1988, for the
following year. During 1989, the LMA succeeded in raising its membership to over
100 by the end of the year. Several member training and recreational events were
held, and the first formal LMA Bylaws were created and adopted. To celebrate its
fifth anniversary, a special salute to the LMA was held at the La Posada on the
night of May 24, 1989. This event was attended by approximately 300 persons and
was sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce as well as by the International Bank of
Commerce, the La Posada, The Laredo National Bank, NBC Bank of Laredo, and the
South Texas National Bank. At the LMA's fifth anniversary regular meeting, held
the next morning, Prominent Laredo businessman, Vicente Garza, was the featured
speaker. Garza was also well known as one of the former TWA hijacking hostages
held in Lebanon in 1985. Before leaving office in December, 1989, LMA President Sherwood created the LMA's scholarship fund with the $1000. left from the proceeds of his term. This was the start of a fund that has substantially grown over the subsequent years; providing technical scholarships for many young Laredoans.

Under Thomas Tomko, LMA president in 1990 and 1991, the LMA grew rapidly,
exceeding 200 members by the end of 1991. Tom, from Packard Electric, also
created an organized LMA committee structure, including committees to address
the areas of budget, communications, customs, environment, government interface,
maquiladoras, membership, special affairs, and transportation. He also
spearheaded the publication of the LMA monthly newsletter, with contributions by
a wide variety of community leaders. The special activities group, headed by
Nick Quinn of Packard Electric, initiated the annual LMA golf tournament, which
has been responsible for the major growth of the scholarship fund. Under Tomko's
leadership, the first LMA Directory was published, resulting in a second source
of scholarship funds. In May, 1991, a third source of fundraising was initiated
when the LMA sponsored its first Little Theater benefit performance. The play
was "Steel Magnolias", and the after-show reception was held at the new offices
of the Laredo Development Foundation.

Elected LMA President for 1992 was Earl G. Kennett of the Modine Corporation.
Under Earl's leadership, the LMA continued with the awarding of scholarships to
area students to study in technical fields at Laredo Junior College, Laredo
State University, University of Texas at Austin, Texas A&M University, and Texas
A&I University at Kingsville. The LMA also provided funding for an engineering
"Math Counts" program, as well as continuing to help sponsor the Junior
Achievement program in Laredo. Kennett also presided over the LMA's decision in
1992 to commit to donating $100,000. over a four year period to support the
expansion of Laredo State University (now named Texas A&M International) to
become a four year university.

Elected LMA President for 1993 was Martin Siordia of the Sony Corporation.
Siordia continued the numerous activities of the LMA, adding sponsorship of the
"Math Day" at the annual WBCA Carnival, as well as sponsorship of an
environmental educational program for high school students called "Project Del
Rio." Under Siordia, the work of the LMA committees continued, and a successful
golf tournament and Little Theater benefit were held in 1993.

Nick Quinn of Packard Electric was elected as President of the LMA for 1994.
Nick's very successful management of the LMA Golf Tournaments each year had
earned him the gratitude of the LMA membership. Under Nick's leadership, the LMA
planned for its 10 the anniversary and invited former U.S. Secretary of
Education, Dr. Lauro Cavazos, to be the featured speaker at the May 20, 1994
celebration meeting. The activity received good local support and publicity.
On April 15, 1994, the Environmental Activities Committee of the LMA held its
first annual Environmental Symposium, with over 85 in attendance. The Symposium
was chaired by Ed Sherwood, and special guests of the LMA were representatives
from the six area high school, Laredo Community College, and Texas A&M

Elected LMA President for 1995 was Haven Jenkins of the Weigand Division of
Emerson Electric. Haven continued with both the LMA committee structure, and
with another successful golf tournament, co-chaired by Nick Quinn and Shawn
Pallagi from Parkard Electric. The LMA also held its second annual Environmental
Symposium on April 21, 1995, with even a larger representation of area high
schools and colleges than last year.

In 1996, a relative newcomer to Laredo, John Malloy, was elected as President,
and then reelected in 1997. “Jay” Malloy was General Manager of ITT Automotive
in Laredo/Nuevo Laredo. He convinced the board to hire its first paid
Administrative Assistant in 1996. With the creation of a staff person, the
organization was to expand its activities and to provide a focal point for
information to its members and the community. During 1996 and 1997, LMA fund
raising was accomplished through publication of its membership directory, and
through its Annual Golf Tournament. As a result of these funds, the LMA
presented to Texas A&M University the last $25,000. portion of a total
contribution of $100,000.

In 1998, John Adams was elected President, and was subsequently reelected for
the following year. John was a senior officer with Banc One, but also had
extensive prior manufacturing experience, as well as being the author of several
books on economic and historic issues. John re-vitalized the Maquiladora arm of
the LMA through the leadership of Larry Shaw, Plant Manager of Modine, as who
served as chairman of the Maquiladora Committee. The LMA continued to support
Junior Achievement in Laredo, and awarded $10,000. in scholarships to local
students in 1998. During John’s terms, he brought several outstanding speakers
to LMA meetings, and presided over the organization’s 15th Anniversary Gala,
with Lt. Governor Rick Perry as the keynote speaker.

Al Poppitt, from Delphi Corporation, served as LMA President in 2000. Along with
the normal LMA activities, an expanded LMA Symposium was initiated. The annual
Symposium was re-named as the “LMA Annual Symposium—Manufacturing in Mexico & On the U.S. Border”. Under the co-chairmanship of John Adams and Ed Sherwood, the
event attracted over 100 attendees during 2000.

James Jackson, General Manager of Cives, was elected as President for 2001 and
2002. Jim guided the re-organization of the LMA, negotiating a partnership with
Texas A&M International to provide administrative services. David
Cardwell, from TAMIU, provided the administrative leadership, as well as
serving as Editor of the monthly LMA Newsletter. Also during Jim’s terms, he
promoted the sponsorship of monthly LMA meetings at different locations from the
normal Laredo Country Club venue.

Larry Shaw, Plant Manager of Modine, was elected as President for 2003. Larry
presided over successful golf tournament, membership drive, and the 10th “Annual
LMA Symposium—Manufacturing in Mexico & On the U.S. Border”. Proceeds from the
Symposium were donated to the United Engineering Magnet School, and to Laredo
Community College. During his term, a special 20th Anniversary Edition of the
LMA Membership Directory was prepared, and the LMA’s 20th
Anniversary Gala was held on May 14, 2004, with “Red” Mc Combs, legendary Texas businessman as the featured speaker.

William Green, publisher to the Laredo Morning Times, served as LMA President for 2005-2006. Under Bill’s leadership the LMA strengthened it’s organization and activities through strategic planning. He also moved the monthly meetings to the new Laredo Embassy Suites, with the hotel sponsoring the cost of the breakfast sessions.
He also oversaw successful golf tournaments, the continuation of the Symposiums, and the LMA scholarships.

Serving in 2007 and 2008, Tom Wade, from Emerson Logistics, conceived and accomplished the successful merger of the Laredo Manufacturers Association and the Laredo Transportation Association. This brought new synergies to the LMA’s many activities, as well as increasing membership. Tom also spearheaded the establishment of a 24-hour, 7 day a week international bridge schedule. This was accomplished as of 2009, giving Laredo improved logistical efficiencies.

The LMA continues as a vibrant organization, funded completely by its members and sponsors, promoting the economic growth of the Laredo area.

Edward C. Sherwood
May 8, 2009