Sunday, June 19, 2011

It's 2011 in Laredo

Time flies, especially when life is full of memorable experiences. It is already June, 2011, and we are in a 90 plus day drought, reached a record of 112 degrees yesterday, and finally finished another City Council election. Last year we had our 2nd "100 year" flood in little more than a decade! This year we may still be saved from our terrible dryness by the hurricane season. As to the "hot" ---- from elections, I have already seen walls painted with campaign messages for the November 2012 city elections.

The Mayor said this week that Laredo is good and improving. Wish we could say the same for our sister city next door, Nuevo Laredo. The situation, especially in Northern Mexico, is really sad with many innocent lives continuing to be lost. Even so, trade from Mexico through the inland port of Laredo is growing, oil and natural gas drilling in our "Eagle Ford Shale" region is exploding, and Laredo Community College is continuing with it's five year renovation and expansion master plan.

Even with the really warm, even for Laredo, weather, the grills are fired up with carne asada, the pachangas come alive at the ranches, and Laredoans survive!