Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The David B. Barkeley Cantu Chapel at LCC

Veterans Day, November 11, 2009 the newly restored 114 year old Fort McIntosh Chapel was dedicated as the Private David B. Barkeley Cantu Veterans Memorial Chapel. The $1.6 million of exterior and interior work has produced a stunningly beautiful building of limestone and brick facade, unique palladium architectural features, and original windows, doors, ceilings and walls.

Gathered for the event were Laredo's U.S. Congressman, Henry Cuellar, local office holders, a military representative from Fort Hood, law enforcement leaders, college students, administration, faculty, and Laredo veterans. Also recognized was community leader and member of the LCC administration, Mrs. David M. Slaughter, better know as "Millie"--who spearheaded the restoration for five years. Also attending were many private donors, including trustees of the Guadalupe and Lilia Martinez Foundation--among the major contributors.

The restoration of this historic building is the start of a ten year effort to restore the many historically important buildings located on Fort McIntosh--the downtown campus for Laredo Community College.

David B. Barkeley Cantu gave his life, at the age of 19, in World War I.--two days before the war ended on the 11th day of the 11th month at 11:00 am of 1918. He was the the first Laredo native to be awarded the Medal of Honor for heroic actions as a Private in the U.S. Army serving in France. France and Italy also recognized his ultimate sacrifice. A member of the Barkeley Cantu family presented the Chapel with the flag that draped his coffin when he had lay in state at the Alamo.

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